The Soft Edge
artist Aileen Lambert
year 2007
language(s) English
location  IRELAND
region 2 East (East)
index no. 06.2.01
media Book
about the media Catalogue about a public art project by Aileen Lambert
date of input:
about the project The Soft Edge is the title of a public art project by artist Aileen Lambert, commissioned by Wexford County Council, which centred on the townsland of Creagh, on the edge of Gorey town, Co Wexford.

The project featured a participatory process whereby the public were invited to join with the artist in exploring the local landscape and articulating a personal experience of place; a process that culminated in the production of The Soft Edge.

Documentation of the public walk event held on bank holiday Monday 29th October 2007, and an essay by Eileen Healy exploring the act of wandering as an engagement with landscape is included in the publication, which features photographs and accounts of landscape in Creagh generated during the course of the project.
see also Ground Up index no. 06.4.01