artist Anastasia Khoroshilova
year 2008
language(s) Russian, English
location  RUSSIA, Russian countryside
region 0 everywhere (Everywhere)
index no. 23.0.01
media Book
about the media Catalogue with photographs of inhabitants of the Russian countryside
date of input:
about the project According to Georgy Nikich, curator of the exhibition and contributor to this catalogue, 'Russians' (Russkie) are not a nationality, a country, a way of life, a religion, or a community. He sees them as a vector of history and science that was studied by the artist both before and after Perestroika and then completed by an insight into Russia from Europe and, in the last two years, several special trips in the European part of the country, the Urals, and the Russian North.
Khoroshilova hasn’t been searching for her 'Russians', nor has she identified them; rather, she recognized them somehow and accepted them as they are. The depth of history is different in every photo. The age of an old woman, the styles of national accessories, the surface of weather-beaten wood, the tradition of military education, the discord in clothing – all this seems to point at periods, epochs and even dates. However, nobody is confident about the certain historic being of these people – neither themselves, nor the photographer. They just live here and now, and the artist is accepted into this circle of life.
The catalogue accompanied the exhibition 'Russkie' in Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg, Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus (2008), The Moscow Museum of Modern Art(2008/2009) and LVR Landesmuseum Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Archäologie, Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte (2009/2010).
about artist and participants Photo's: Anastasia Khoroshilova. Texts: Georgy Nikich, Thomas Elsen, Vitaly Patsyukov and Lothar Altringer
organisations Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg/Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus, The Moscow Museum of Modern Art, LVR Landesmuseum Bonn/Rheinisches Landesmuseum für Archäologie, Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte
<em>Russkie</em>, Installation view, Galerie Hilger Contemporary, Vienna, 2007